
In Monster Lord, the TAKE module is an innovative economic feature designed to generate MOLO through player activities, with its price supported by the SOL contract pool. Players can redeem SOL tokens at 90% of the current TAKE price and have all their MOLO tokens burned.

Key Features:

  1. MOLO Generation and Burning:

    • All MOLO is generated through player activities. In the Monster Factory game, when players participate using SOL, 3% of each SOL input goes into the contract pool, with 2% entering the pool and simultaneously generating MOLO at the current TAKE price. When players use MOLO in the game, 1% of each input is directly burned to maintain token scarcity.

    • In the Monster Gold Rush game, when players use SOL to purchase gear, all SOL goes into the contract pool, generating MOLO at the current TAKE price, allowing players to embark on adventures and earn rewards.

  2. SOL Contract Pool:

    • Based on the TAKE module, the game has established a SOL contract pool. The price of MOLO is determined by dividing the amount of SOL in the pool by the total circulating supply of MOLO, ensuring that every circulating MOLO has real SOL value backing it.


The TAKE module is designed to ensure the value and scarcity of MOLO tokens. This mechanism not only protects token scarcity but also ensures continuous appreciation, allowing each participant to maximize their value within the game.

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